Managed Email Security & Continuity

We protect all your correspondence from spam, viruses, malware, ransomware, spear phishing, social engineering attacks, spoofing and other email-borne threats.

Why you need it?

You’re relentlessly attacked by viruses and malware

Rule-based filtering is just not enough — spammers bombard you by emails

Icon Cybercriminals get access to your business data and communications Cybercriminals get access to your business data and communications

Email data is loss, and it’s retrieval or recovery is not possible

Provide an advanced threat protection all your emails

More than 2 billion spam messages are blocked monthly with machine learning and other filtering technologies. We improve it every day and every hour.

Defense you against incoming attacks of hackers

Once signed up for archiving, email can be automatically retained or expired according to your preferred settings.

What makes our service unique?

24/7 email continuity via web console to keep email always available.

Seamless integration with Microsoft 365 via an add-in for Encrypted, long-term email archiving with unlimited storage a native experience.

Encrypted, long-term email archiving with unlimited storage.

monitors more than 3 billion messages a month and block more than 10 million phishing attack

close to 100% filtering accuracy

intuitive,easy onboarding and multitenant management