Security Assessments

Identifying the flaws in your IT infrastructure is the first step in hardening your security defenses. We place ourselves in the shoes of the attacker to uncover potential security loopholes that automated tools miss.

Principles of Information Security

Almost 50%

Of small business have experienced cyber attack.

More than 70%

Of attacks target small businesses.

Over 50 mil

Cyber-attacks recorded in GCC in 2020

When do you need it?

Something happened in one place, but there’s a suspicion that it may happen again somewhere else

Need to be on regulatory compliance, to meet the requirements of tenders, the GDPR law etc

It needs to make sure everything is implemented correctly and works after some infrastructure changes

For regular monitoring of the infrastructure so that everything works stably


ABLCybersecurity Analysis Services

Vulnerability Assessment

Penetration Testing

Network Security Assessment

Endpoint Security Assessment

Hack on-demand

Social Engineering & Exploitation

Application & Software Testing

Regulatory Compliance Assessment

Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability assessment service is a comprehensive evaluation of a systems for exposed vulnerabilities without their direct exploitation. Cost effective, regular vulnerability assessments can be a useful tool in staying up-to-date when it comes to security.

Vulnerability assessment often takes place around several days and using only automated technics

What benefits do you get?

Catch low-hanging fruit

Validate your patching/hardening program

Establish a security baseline

Identify known, surface-level security issues and misconfigurations


Penetration Testing

It often takes place around several days and using only automated technics

What benefits do you get?


These assessments can be conducted from both an external standpoint, to mimic the attacks that hackers can issue against an organization, as well as an internal standpoint; whereby we mimic what a virus or a disgruntled employee could do to an organization.

Wi-Fi Assessment

Since wireless signals tend to “leak out”, they are even more susceptible to attackers who could otherwise have been stopped due to physical limitations. During the course of Wi-Fi hacking, ABL analysts perform multiple attacks that test the strength of the organization’s wireless security, and the network setup of its public Wi-Fi networks.

VOIP Assessment

Since most VoIP networks run on the infrastructure of the enterprise network, attackers often view this as the less-secure gateway to an organization’s IT systems. By targeting the VoIP infrastructure, attackers can reach enterprise resources, cause telephonic disruption and commit phone fraud.

Network Security Assessment

To successfully protect your organization against cyber threats, it’s imperative to begin by identifying where its security weaknesses lie. ABL  cyber security assessment services are designed to uncover vulnerabilities across your organization, validate the effectiveness of security controls and processes, and provide the support and advice required to address security risks.

Endpoint Security Assessment

ABL provides security assessment on end point security solutions and their implementation by attacking them from hackers’ point of view. The main goal is to bypass security solutions and their prevention mechanism. Attacks include various bypass mechanism, like file less malware, customized trojans, binary smuggling and more.

ABL cyber security assessment services are designed to uncover vulnerabilities across your organization, validate the effectiveness of security controls and processes, and provide the support and advice required to address security risks.

All our assessments are conducted by professional ethical hackers with the skills and experience to deliver them in line with the most rigorous legal, ethical, and technical standards.

Hack-on demand

To tackle the typical challenges that IT departments face with securing approvals from management, ABL offers a flexible on-demand service, whereby customers can purchase a specific number of man-days which can be utilized at a later stage. This is especially useful when timelines are aggressive, and flexibility is required.

Whether acting out of malice or negligence, insider threats pose a significant cyber security risk to all organizations. Recent research from the Ponemon Institute suggests the average cost of insider-originated incidents is almost twice that of the average breach.

While the dangers posed by insider threats are becoming more widely recognized, not enough organizations are allocating sufficient resources to mitigate the risk they pose.

Social Engineering & Exploitation

During social engineering attacks, our analysts try to gain as much information about an organization, and simulate attacks on the employees in an attempt to gain remote access to the infrastructure, login credentials and access to sensitive, and competitive information.

Psychological manipulation is a tactic commonly used by cybercriminals. By crafting emails and web pages that imitate those of known organizations and contacts, fraudsters aim to trick individuals into clicking dangerous links, opening malicious attachments, and disclosing personal details.

ABL social engineering services allow you to accurately assess the ability of your systems and personnel to detect and respond to email phishing attacks. Gain precise insight into the potential risks through customized ethical hacking assessments created for your organization.


Application & Software Testing

It often takes place around several days and using only automated technics

Detailed Web Assessment

Our hackers can manually assess web applications for security vulnerabilities that might have creeped in during the development stage, whether it was developed in-house, by a third party or is a commercial application.

Mobile Application Assessment

By analyzing both the online services, as well as the mobile application itself, we verify that the mobile channel has the best security built-in.

We provide organizations with a report that contains detailed explanations on how to bypass the security controls in addition to a remediation path that includes the changes required to eliminate those vulnerabilities

Source Code review

Since all application specific vulnerabilities originate in their source code, this review service tackles the root cause of the problem. Our source code review ensures that all security flaws, and potential flaws, are fixed before they are even pushed into a production environment.